Aligneurs Francais

What are the steps involved in treatment with aligners?

Whether you’re an orthodontist or a general dentist looking to integrate dental aligners into your practice, it’s important to understand the steps involved in treating clear aligners to ensure success.

Here’s a detailed guide to help you master each phase of treatment with Aligneurs Françaistreatment, from initial consultation to final restraint.

1. Initial consultation

The first step in aligners treatment is the initial initial consultationwhich includes several key elements.

Clinical observation

Clinical observation is an essential step in the process. detailed assessment of the patient’s oral health, oral function and facial aesthetics. It includes analysis of the smile for aesthetic considerations, as well as examination of dental morphologies to detect any anomalies in shape or shade.

Assessing the difficulty of the case

Assessing the difficulty of the case involves a thorough analysis of the malocclusions present, such as tooth alignment, vertical direction, and transverse and anteroposterior misalignments.

This assessment helps to determine the complexity of the treatment in order to determine whether or not the patient should be referred to an orthodontist based on their difficulty. By fully understanding the potential challenges of the case from the outset, the practitioner can tailor the treatment plan and educate the patient on expectations and next steps, ensuring optimal orthodontic management.

Discussion and explanation of alignment treatments

During this first discussion, the dentist explains how the transparent aligners used to progressively align the teeth work. Il informe le patient sur la nécessité de porter les aligneurs 22 heures par jour, ne les retirant que pour manger et boire (à l’exception de l’eau).

The practitioner also explains the specific dental movements that will be made to correct the alignment, as well as the potential use of stripping to create space between the teeth if necessary.

In addition, he estimates the approximate duration of the treatment and provides the patient with an estimate detailing the associated costs.

Quotation proposal

At the end of the session, the dentist presents the patient with a detailed estimate that includes the estimated costs of orthodontic treatment.

Scheduling an appointment for an orthodontic check-up

The final step in the initial consultation is to schedule an appointment for an orthodontic check-up. This appointment provides an in-depth assessment of the patient’s orthodontic case.

2. Orthodontic check-up

The orthodontic check-up is an essential step in the dental aligner treatment process, comprising several key stages to ensure a complete and accurate assessment of the patient’s case.

Complete history and clinical examination

First of all, a detailed history is taken to gather relevant medical and dental history, as well as the patient’s expectations regarding treatment.

Next, a thorough clinical examination is performed, including an assessment of oral health, oral functions such as swallowing and chewing, and an aesthetic analysis of the smile and facial appearance.

Photographs, study models and X-rays

Extraoral and intraoral photographs and optical scans optical scans are then taken to document the initial situation. X-rays such as panoramic and profile teleradiography complete this phase, providing detailed images of bone structure and dental positions.

dental X-ray treatment steps aligners

Submitting a case on the Aligneurs Français platform

Finally, the case is submitted to the Aligneurs Français platform, involving the creation of a complete patient file and the uploading of the data required to draw up the digital treatment plan.

This step produces a 3D “set-up” simulation that visualizes the treatment plan, the teeth that will move and the various movements, as well as the auxiliaries and strippings involved in the treatment.

3. Presentation of the treatment plan

At this stage, the dentist begins by explain the diagnosis in detail and specific dental problems identified. Using visual simulations of the planned treatment, he illustrates the expected results, enabling the patient to visualize the anticipated orthodontic benefits in concrete terms. This discussion also includes an in-depth explanation of the dental movements required to correct alignment, as well as the potential use of means such as cleats and stripping to facilitate these adjustments.

At the same time, the practitioner provides a clear and precise estimate of the duration of the treatment and presents a detailed estimateoutlining the costs associated with each phase of the orthodontic process.

To finalize this important step, the treatment plan is validated by the patient’s signing the patient’s informed consent form. De plus, le dentiste assure la conformité du plan de traitement en validant le setup sur l’application Aligneurs Français, garantissant ainsi une planification précise et une transition efficace vers les étapes suivantes du traitement orthodontique.

4. Fitting aligners

Placement of the aligners marks the active start of orthodontic treatment.

During this phase, the cleats are carefully fitted on teeth to facilitate planned orthodontic movements. If required, stripping is performed to adjust the space between the teeth and facilitate their alignment.

At the end of the session, the patient is given a detailed explanation of how to insert and remove the aligners correctly. Practical advice is also given on how to optimize the effectiveness of the treatment, particularly with regard to oral hygiene and compliance with the instructions for wearing aligners.

Last but not least, future appointments are scheduleds for stripping and regular follow-up sessions. This organization enables us to maintain a close watch on treatment, ensuring smooth, efficient progress towards the desired orthodontic results.

5. Treatment follow-up

The control sessions are made every 2 months. During these follow-up visits, it is essential to check that the aligners fit properly and that dental movements are progressing smoothly. Cela inclut également la vérification des contacts occlusaux et la gestion des interférences pour prévenir les collisions dentaires.

At the same time, patient support and ongoing motivation are essential. Il est crucial de l’encourager à maintenir une bonne hygiène bucco-dentaire et à respecter les consignes de port des aligneurs, généralement recommandé à 22 heures par jour. Cette coopération active du patient garantit que les gouttières exercent la pression appropriée pour déplacer les dents efficacement, favorisant ainsi des résultats orthodontiques durables et satisfaisants.

6. Smile evaluation

At the end of orthodontic treatment, a detailed assessment is crucial to verify the alignment of the teeth with respect to the initial plan. Cette étape comprend une analyse esthétique pour évaluer la satisfaction du patient et une vérification de l’occlusion statique et dynamique pour confirmer que les dents s’articulent correctement et de manière fonctionnelle.

In some cases, where minor imperfections persist or certain objectives have not been fully achieved, finishing aligners may be recommended. These can be used to finalize remaining tooth movements, ensuring complete correction of crowding and malocclusion if this has been anticipated in the treatment plan.

7. Restraint

The restraint is an essential element in maintaining the results obtained after orthodontic treatment. At Aligneurs Français, we recommend the use of a thermoformed splint in the maxilla and a fixed retainer in the mandible.

The mouthpiece is worn every night for 2 years, then one night a week. This protocol is practical because it minimizes the risk of loss of retainers. It is recommended to maintain nightly wear of the splint until long-term orthodontic changes are stable.

Regular follow-ups are scheduled at 6 months, 1 year and then annually, ensuring careful monitoring and optimal stability of long-term orthodontic results.

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